Yesterday I got back from a wonderful second holiday at Pathfinders Camp - it truly was the best ever in my ten years at Woodlarks, a place that seems to get more special every time I go there. My post about it will have to wait 'til Tuesday, however, for two reasons: firstly because so many awesome things occurred that I need to get them coherent in my head so I don't make it more rambly a post than it already is and, secondly, because there's someone else achieving amazing goals this week who deserves a mention today.
So -
To a best pal, namesake, once-upon-a-time roommate and eternal soulmate,
I've known you since that very first night you wailed down the corridor of Maple House because you didn't want to be left there. How far you've come, my Boccia Baby, from a timid teenager - through laughter, tears, midnight conversations and broken arms (anything to get out of those exams, eh?) - to a proud and prepared paralympian. Of course we always knew how awesome you were - we could see it in the cheeky glint of your eye, and I called you my happy-go-lucky girl from the start - but now it's your chance to show the world the majesty of Munter.
I love you, dear, and I'm right behind you today, tomorrow and forever - Rainbow Girls together always!
Can't wait to see you play in the morning; I'm so very, very proud!
Marrott xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jess is amazing. I saw her on Jon Snow's Paralympics programme and was astonished how something so intricate could be guided by eye movements alone.