Thursday, 4 July 2013

Day 424 - Independence Day

It would seem I've failed miserably at this blog-every-day thing. I thought I'd have considerably more time once I was home, but it appears that when you actively have to rearrange a fairly busy schedule to fit a job in (even if it's a welcome chore, like blogging) you're more likely to do so - a phenomenon for which I did not account, and for which I apologise. That's not to say I haven't been busy - quite the reverse, in fact. Over the weekend I had medical appointments, because home visits are easier and my osteopath and acupuncturist can't always fit these in during the week. On Friday someone came to fit new casters on my chair, which meant I had to be out of it for a while, if I didn't fancy being tipped on my side. (I realise those two sentences were out of chronological order - sorry.) On Monday I went with Eileen to visit our old secondary school, which was lovely. On Tuesday I had an interview and I got a place on a course, something on which I might elaborate at another point if it doesn't feel too boastful. Wednesday (yesterday) was spent catching up with Savannah, now both our lives have calmed down a little, and we could talk over hot chocolate and herbal tea instead of the screen of my laptop.

These aren't excuses, though - merely explanations. I say that for two reasons. Firstly, since I've become a graduand, and received the results I did, I've realised that I no longer have to justify myself -  and that includes making excuses. Having grown up in a world where I've always felt I had something to prove because of my disability, that's been a pretty damn refreshing epiphany. Secondly, the long list of things I had to fill my time with provides an example of my topic - independence.

The impetus for this post is simple - today, July 4th, is American Independence Day. Now, as a Brit, I might be expected to know that this part of the history of the United States does not reflect too favourably on my own cultural past - and I do know it. I also know that we Brits had an empire which was questionable and so have no right to judge those who had (quite rightly) had enough. Furthermore, with my heritage, I owe allegiance to Canada and South Africa as much as I do to the UK...and, well, it was a helpful metaphor for this post, all right!?

So. Yeah. Independence. It has long been known that I make my resolutions in the summer, at camp, because that's when the year begins and ends for me. But this year, as I was pondering the empty gulf which faces me when I finish with this blog, I decided to make them slightly early. They are simple and few, and mainly focused around finishing what I've started here. Walking to get my degree felt like the epitome of independence a year ago, and on one level it still does, but along the way I've come to understand that it's not so much an act which constitutes independence, but a way of life, and (most importantly in my book) a mindset. It is this mindset I intend to carry forward into 2014. Happy new year ;)!

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